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Hi, my name is Sharon. I’m proud to be the wife of an incredible man and mother of two exceptional girls.

No, I’ve never gone by Ma before, but that’s the domain that was available for less than $20, so… here we go folks!

So why did I start this website?

Well I’ve always loved writing and I considered starting a blog to contribute to our 1-income family finances in Silicon Valley.

While I pondered what my blogging niche could be, I was looking around for something cool I’d found on one of those helpful mom bogs I had come across earlier in my motherhood days… and I couldn’t find it.

And that gave me An Idea.

Maybe I wasn’t the only one trying to find and track resources online – an ever-expanding field of resources, especially in the mom blog arena.

That was the idea for THIS PLACE.

Moms, I created this place specifically for you. My mission is to make it easy for you to find the mom blog resources that will add value to your life. And by default, that may help hard-working mom bloggers and website owners get their valuable contributions to you.

Everyone wins and I love it. Being that connection in the middle for all of you, it’s the best.

Someday I’ll come up with that inspired niche for my own blog. Till then I’m having a blast finding amazing stuff online to share with you.

