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The Best From Before – 2018 August Issue

Periodically I’d like to share with you older posts, not just recent ones. Because there are some gems that pack a lot of value, and I don’t want you to miss these!

How To Be An Action-Taking, Problem-Solving Mom – Allie Casazza

Problem-solving for moms! It’s not a topic you typically see on mom blogs. But it’s ultra practical because it gives you a key to improving a lot of different areas in your life… not just whatever specific area the post covers (like laundry, cooking, etc.). Try it out. It’s inspired me to develop a mindset to problem-solve, and it’s really helped me find ways to improve problem areas in our home and life.

-Allie is one of my favorite bloggers EVER and her site is featured on my list.

10 Habits of Highly Productive Moms – Sarah Nazarian

Sure, you can find lists like this all over the internet. I’ve read quite a few of them. And it’s not like most of these lists have proprietary information that the post writer invented. But anyway, this is a really good list. From my experience, it gives you some of the top suggestions ever. Try one or two today. The notecard, the brain dump, getting up early… they really work.

-This website isn’t on my list. But that’s OK – these Features posts are for any posts of value. And it did lead me to the author Sarah Nazarian’s blog, which is definitely on my list – Shine Bright Mom.