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The Top Sites Series, Explained

It’s always a bold claim to make a list of “the top” of anything. So I want to explain Ma’s process for this.

First a brief description of what these posts ARE, then some disclaimers about what they are NOT.


These posts list the best blogs I’ve found so far for specific categories – e.g. minimalism, cleaning, food, etc. Always within our area of focus here on Ma’s List: By Moms, For Moms.

Ok, let’s dive a bit deeper into the details with the disclaimers. It’s always enlightening to hear what something isn’t!


  1. Can you really make this claim?  I know you’re going to find ranked lists like this all over the Internet, and what do they really mean – with a billion websites out there? Can anyone claim to have really found the top ones of all time for all people? Nah, of course not. Ma means the top sites she’s found so far (see Description above). And let me further clarify “top”. It doesn’t mean that these sites have a monopoly on the onine quality content on these topics. It means their websites focus on these topics. They cover them thoroughly. They offer lots of great free content on these topics, so that readers and listeners can get a ton of value before having to sign over any money. And the site authors make it super practical and inspirational for you to get going on whatever their topic is. They have walked the walk themselves, now they are talking the talk – fueled by a vision and passion to help YOU. And finally, most biased but not least important… these websites have been instrumental in shaping my thoughts and actions about these topics. I’m giving you the power of personal testimony that these websites can change your life.
  2. Did you try EVERYTHING?  So you have to understand that when I review a website, there’s a certain minimum amount I always review. I will always review a certain specified amount of posts / content, plus overview the whole website and everything offered. I will usually check out at least some of the free downloads. However on principle I never pay for anything, and I don’t plan to do so as part of Ma’s List. My premise is that a quality website will offer enough free content of value that it can enhance your life. I’m not here to sell people’s courses. However, given the quality of the free content, I’m fairly positive that their paid content would be well worth your investment if you choose to do it. But that choice is up to you.
  3. What if you find something else?  Believe me – these lists are going to get updated! But they’ll remain carefully curated. Because I really don’t want these spiraling into the fifties, hundreds. That just gets so unmanageable by viewers. But who knows, perhaps someday in our indexing of the Internet we’ll get to that point… stay tuned!