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The Top 3 Minimalism & Decluttering Blogs

Top Blog Series – By Moms For Moms

Introducing my first list in the The Top Blogs series – the best of the best mom blogs on minimalism and decluttering.

I’ll give you the link and author of each site, and a few reasons I’m recommending it.

Before we begin, here are answers to a couple questions you may have.

How do you come up with this list?Read my explanation here.

Aren’t these 2 separate topics? – Yes, that’s true. Minimalism and decluttering are technically two words with different definitions. But I’ve found they’re closely tied in any quality website for moms on either topic. And they’re closely tied in real life experience. You can’t have minimalism without the action of decluttering. (Unless you’re one of those people who has never owned or kept any unneeded unwanted thing… then… kudos to you!) And while you could have just the activity of decluttering without any minimalism behind it, I feel like that would quickly devolve into a directionless task and unmaintanable state. Decluttering is the activity that needs to happen, and minimalism is the motivating spirit that drives it. So for now I’m bringing you a list of blogs that combine both.


Ma’s List – The Top 3 Minimalism & Decluttering Blogs

Allie Casazza

Allie has got to be the queen of decluttering, especially for moms of young kids. She has “ruthlessly edited her home” (her expression which I love) with 4 young kids in tow, and now she helps other moms do the same. Moms of young kids, this site is especially for you.

Yet Allie has so much more to offer than simply decluttering advice. She shares heaps of practical wisdom on ways to simplify and manage your home and your entire life. She has vision and passion for these topics and produces excellent content. I can tell you that all her free content is so good. Not just blog posts and podcasts but also free guides, downloads, etc.

Basically I’m saying you have to check out her site. I guarantee you will get something out of it. I get value out of almost 100% of her content – that’s a super high return compared to many sites I’ve visited.

One Thing Ma Loves: Allie provides complete written shownotes of all her podcasts. Meaning you can read the whole thing instead of listen, if you prefer. (Personally I love this feature and way prefer written notes anytime.)


Simple Not Plain – Janie

This is an outstanding website. In my mind I like to  call it “A Basic Primer for a Minimalist Home.” It’s perhaps most outstanding because it covers nearly all aspects of your home life in just 12 blog posts – all extremely thorough and top-quality. Janie tells you what she did and gives you step-by-step actions as well as lots of practical ideas you can try out at your own pace.

I’ve never seen such a perfectly contained website.

Also I can’t stop saying how practical this website is. The value yield per word is huge.

At present this site hasn’t been updated for a couple years. But the value is all still there, folks. It’s timeless content.

Breaking news – Janie is planning to re-launch the website! This is super exciting news. Be sure to follow or bookmark this site so you can see the latest!

One Thing Ma Loves: If I had to choose one post that led to significant helpful change in my daily life, it would be her minimalist beauty routine post. It’s about way more than makeup. It’s got that, plus a total rundown of how to streamline things in the hair and showering departments. While my life and environment doesn’t permit me to do  everything exactly the way she does, she inspired me to develop similar solutions that really simplify things. Check it out and see if it doesn’t spark an idea for you.


Nourishing Minimalism – Rachel Jones

Rachel has been in the business of establishing a minimal and decluttered home for years now. 10 years plus. Her kids are now a bit older than “littles”, which gives her a unique perspective… Since a lot of mom bloggers today have very young kids. Even though I’ve come across her website more recently, she’s been doing this a long time and her experience shows.

Her content is excellent and there is lots of it on her website. Minimalism, decluttering, organizing, cleaning – she handles all these topics very well. Also she has a fun and interesting category called Holidays.

She’s an extremely relatable blogger. Her thought process is great to follow, and even her writing style makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. You will get a ton out of what she shares. Just start somewhere of most interest to you.

One Thing Ma Loves: I really enjoy her minimal home tours. Her blog regularly features people sharing photos and descriptions of their homes. This is amazing because minimalism in your home really needs to be something you can personalize. And so it’s super helpful to see how different people do it: what they have in their house, how they set things up, etc. So kudos to Rachel on this great feature.


That’s all for now, folks! Enjoy and benefit!